
By popular request, here is the solo hammered dulcimer version of "Desire for Departure." It is my second composition and is the title track of my 2008 album. As I've grown and matured as a person and musician, this piece has dynamically changed with me. This solo version will appear on my upcoming album.

|| Credits
Composed and performed by Joshua Messick

|| My "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer
Model Comparison:

Desire for Departure: A Hammered Dulcimer Journey was released in 2008 and was conceived as a journey of world music. Fusing a variety of music genres, the hammered dulcimer remains unique as an ancient world instrument, allowing me to explore cinematic soundscapes and solo ventures.

During the creation of this album, I discovered my deep desire to compose and innovate. Thus, some of the originals reflect my earliest works, composed between ages 19 and 22. Then, and even more so now, I realize that music serves as a beautiful instructor. It helps me understand what my soul longs to say. When I compose, I seek to convey human emotions that connect all people: love, sorrow, joy, gratitude — all gifts found in the chambers of every human heart.

When I listen to this album today, I comprehend it with a greater depth. I hear an eager heart, craving exploration and connection to that which cannot be put into words. I also hear a growing heart that seeks healing through music. I now understand that music, especially as it resounds from the ancient hammered dulcimer, reflects the image of the invisible human spirit. These songs, these notes, these spaces between the notes, become a prayer without words. Ringing out through space as only hammered dulcimer music can, this music becomes a balm to communicate love, hope, and healing.

By popular request, here is the solo hammered dulcimer version of "Desire for Departure." It is my second composition and is the title track of my 2008 album. As I've grown and matured as a person and musician, this piece has dynamically changed with me. This solo version will appear on my upcoming album.

|| Credits
Composed and performed by Joshua Messick

|| My "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer
Model Comparison:

Desire for Departure: A Hammered Dulcimer Journey was released in 2008 and was conceived as a journey of world music. Fusing a variety of music genres, the hammered dulcimer remains unique as an ancient world instrument, allowing me to explore cinematic soundscapes and solo ventures.

During the creation of this album, I discovered my deep desire to compose and innovate. Thus, some of the originals reflect my earliest works, composed between ages 19 and 22. Then, and even more so now, I realize that music serves as a beautiful instructor. It helps me understand what my soul longs to say. When I compose, I seek to convey human emotions that connect all people: love, sorrow, joy, gratitude — all gifts found in the chambers of every human heart.

When I listen to this album today, I comprehend it with a greater depth. I hear an eager heart, craving exploration and connection to that which cannot be put into words. I also hear a growing heart that seeks healing through music. I now understand that music, especially as it resounds from the ancient hammered dulcimer, reflects the image of the invisible human spirit. These songs, these notes, these spaces between the notes, become a prayer without words. Ringing out through space as only hammered dulcimer music can, this music becomes a balm to communicate love, hope, and healing.

271 56

YouTube Video UEw4eDRmaU95UDdndVhZYTJVbjNNRGdKb1JySFRyd084Qi4yMDhBMkNBNjRDMjQxQTg1

Desire for Departure | Solo Hammered Dulcimer | Joshua Messick

"Everlasting" from the album "Pure Hammered Dulcimer" by Joshua Messick. Recorded in the lush, rainy mountain forest of Montreat, North Carolina. A few raindrops sprinkled on my soundboard while filming. Don't try this at home. Composed and performed by Joshua Messick. Recorded with my Master Works "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer.

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|| A Note from Joshua
I often record my improvisations to explore what my heart has to say through my hammered dulcimer--I try not to think about anything technical. This approach was used while composing Everlasting. After reviewing the recording, I realized the time signature was 11/8. Next, I pondered the developing composition with more technical insight to construct a chord progression and melody. Once Everlasting was completed, I learned my heart was longing to prioritize and value the most important things such as love, faith, family, and relationships.

|| Instrument
My Master Works "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer

"Everlasting" from the album "Pure Hammered Dulcimer" by Joshua Messick. Recorded in the lush, rainy mountain forest of Montreat, North Carolina. A few raindrops sprinkled on my soundboard while filming. Don't try this at home. Composed and performed by Joshua Messick. Recorded with my Master Works "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer.

💰 Tip Jar:
🎼 PDF Sheet Music:
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💿 CD / Vinyl:

|| A Note from Joshua
I often record my improvisations to explore what my heart has to say through my hammered dulcimer--I try not to think about anything technical. This approach was used while composing Everlasting. After reviewing the recording, I realized the time signature was 11/8. Next, I pondered the developing composition with more technical insight to construct a chord progression and melody. Once Everlasting was completed, I learned my heart was longing to prioritize and value the most important things such as love, faith, family, and relationships.

|| Instrument
My Master Works "DulciForte" hammered dulcimer

1.8K 317


Everlasting | Pure Hammered Dulcimer | Joshua Messick

Hammered dulcimer with cello, bass & percussion. Enjoy the soul-stirring Blue Ridge Mountains alongside a live, cheerful performance of "Mountain Laurel" from Woodland Dance.

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|| Learn about my DulciForte hammered dulcimer

|| Note from Joshua
"What do you imagine when you compose? How do you feel?" I've received this question hundreds of times, but my answers have felt incomplete. 

This video serves as a window into my imagination, bringing you closer to my experiences when I compose. “Mountain Laurel" was inspired after a breathtaking hike to Craggy Pinnacle (Asheville, NC). The beautiful forests, singing birds, cute wildlife, and epic vistas were the characters of this musical story. 

I'm hopeful you've been inspired by a similar experience. This music isn't just about me. It is about us. It is the soundtrack of our stories, helping us remember and celebrate the good things of life.

Thank you for being the best listeners. Your support and enthusiasm are cherished."

||  Musicians
Hammered Dulcimer : Joshua Messick
Cello :  Ryan Knott
Bass :  Zack Page
Percussion : James Kylen

|| Production Credits
Music composed by Joshua Messick
Recorded at Echo Mountain Recording (Asheville, NC)
Engineered and mixed by Julian Dryer
Video by SkySail Productions

Hammered dulcimer with cello, bass & percussion. Enjoy the soul-stirring Blue Ridge Mountains alongside a live, cheerful performance of "Mountain Laurel" from Woodland Dance.

► Spotify:
► iTunes:
► Amazon MP3:
▶ Bandcamp:
💿 CD:

|| Learn about my DulciForte hammered dulcimer

|| Note from Joshua
"What do you imagine when you compose? How do you feel?" I've received this question hundreds of times, but my answers have felt incomplete.

This video serves as a window into my imagination, bringing you closer to my experiences when I compose. “Mountain Laurel" was inspired after a breathtaking hike to Craggy Pinnacle (Asheville, NC). The beautiful forests, singing birds, cute wildlife, and epic vistas were the characters of this musical story.

I'm hopeful you've been inspired by a similar experience. This music isn't just about me. It is about us. It is the soundtrack of our stories, helping us remember and celebrate the good things of life.

Thank you for being the best listeners. Your support and enthusiasm are cherished."

|| Musicians
Hammered Dulcimer : Joshua Messick
Cello : Ryan Knott
Bass : Zack Page
Percussion : James Kylen

|| Production Credits
Music composed by Joshua Messick
Recorded at Echo Mountain Recording (Asheville, NC)
Engineered and mixed by Julian Dryer
Video by SkySail Productions

1.5K 155

YouTube Video UEw4eDRmaU95UDdndVhZYTJVbjNNRGdKb1JySFRyd084Qi45NDk1REZENzhEMzU5MDQz

Mountain Laurel | Hammered Dulcimer, Cello, Bass & Percussion | Acoustic Instrumental Music

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